- Orders are processed Monday to Friday. Orders placed during off-hours (such as weekends and major holidays) will be processed the following business day.
- For US orders, most will be shipped from our US warehouse (not all series products can be shipped directly from the US warehouse, only Silicone-S Series, Silicone-K Series, Leather-C Series, Leather-B Series, TPU-S Series, SHERO-S, Honeycomb Series, Starry Series), other series products will be shipped from our Hong Kong warehouse.
- Orders containing multiple products may be shipped separately if the product is not immediately available.
- Pre-order items will be shipped at the requested delivery speed after the item arrives.
- Once you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation email. This email will include a request to confirm that you have ordered the correct case, as ordering the wrong case may result in incompatibility with your device. Our warehouse team will then begin packing and shipping your order, which may take 24 to 72 hours. Once your order has been shipped from our warehouse, we will send a follow-up email with your tracking information.
- Orders shipped from our US warehouse will be shipped via USPS or Amazon Fulfillment. US orders can only be shipped to the continental United States, excluding these areas: Hawaii, Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.
- Orders shipped from our Hong Kong warehouse will be shipped via Hong Kong Post. We do not currently offer expedited shipping for international orders.
- Orders may be delayed due to invalid shipping address, customs clearance, natural disasters, major holidays, out of stock, etc.
For any additional questions or concerns, please visit our Help Center.